More Good News

At long last, this afternoon I'll get my laptop back!  Hooray!  I would've gotten it back yesterday, but WTB discovered that Best Buy had sold me the wrong hard drive, so he had to drive all the way up to The City to exchange it for the right one and didn't get back before I left for work.  No matter.  This afternoon my laptop and I will be happily reunited!  Hooray, hurrah, yippee!! 

No more going to the library and waiting in line to use the more craning my neck at work because the monitor's mounted on the more kicking things and saying "darnit, darnit!" at home over not being able to look something up instantly...and best of more blog posts without photos.

Expect photos on Saturday and/or Sunday.  I'm taking requests, so comment with any photos you'd like to see.  I'm thinking y'all will come up with something better than the pile of junk and the hulking dresser (sans drawers and covered with raccoon doody) that I hauled out of the shed.