How I Spent My Spring Break

I'm back, y'all!  My unexpected absence from blogging--and from working on my house--was because a few days after I finished the floors I had a really bad arthritis flare.  I wish I could say I handled it well, that I was all stoic and inspirational like Helen Keller or something, but the truth is that every morning when I woke up in pain I said bad swears.  A lot of bad swears.  I'm used to having my knees snap-crackle-pop after I climb up and down a ladder all day, but this involved both ankles, my right knee, and my right hand.  For three weeks.  Y'all know I have no patience for this schidt.  So I liberally dropped F-bombs, hobbled around my neighborhood, and didn't do much on the house.  Thank God that's over. 

This week was a whole lot better.  The dining room is about 98% done.
Note that the china cabinet is missing.  So are the register covers.  That's the 2% that isn't done.  (Oh, and the centerpiece there is a bouquet of peacock feathers, a birthday present from WTB a couple of years ago.)

I planted some flowers.

I accidentally threw away the plant tags before I blogged, so I don't know what the flowers are called. 

I planted viola (what my mom calls Johnny-Jump-Ups) all along the front walkway, but they're still teeny and didn't photograph well.

And I hung up two strips of wallpaper in the front parlor....after I went out and bought a big piece of plastic to cover the nice floor with.

There's not much left to paper--just the long wall with that window and the "short" wall where the fireplace is.  A good couple of days of work and I'll have it done.  I might've gotten more paper up, but I was distracted by another project.  I'll tell you about that tomorrow.