Happy Reading

If you're anything like me, you love to read all about other people's houses and the projects they're working on.  (For me, this might sometimes be simply that misery loves company.)  So I was really unhappy when the HouseBlogs website started having trouble and then went down for the count. 

Happily, I've discovered the HouseBlogging site.  It combines the things we all liked best about the other website--a way to read all the blogs we're interested in on one site and the ability to search for blogs by location or house style or project--and they also have a Facebook page and a Twitter feed.  I've re-discovered some favorite blogs that I'd lost track of after the demise of the other website.  (Incidentally, the two websites are not affiliated, that I know of.)

You can access HouseBlogging via the above link, or by clicking their badge on the right-hand side of this blog.  If you have a house blog of your own, please send these nice folks a request to add it to their blog directory. 

Happy reading!