I was never a cheerleader, but the ceiling in my back bedroom (aka the Room of Shame) inspires me to break out a cheer.
Ready? Oh-kay!
Wait. I gotta show y'all something first.
Look at that dropped ceiling. Pretty bad, huh? Nice water stains over there on the side too.
Ready? Oh-kay!
Wait. You gotta see this, too.
Above the dropped ceiling, guess what? Another yucky ceiling! I think it's acoustic tile, probably asbestos.
Ready? Oh-kay!
Wait, wait. One more. No, really, y'all have to see this.
A close-up of the second ceiling. Part of it's gone. That's what makes it really special. Alright, now we're ready. Pick up those pom-poms.
Ready? Oh-kay!
U-G-L-Y! You ain't got no alibi! You're UGLY! Hey, hey, you're ugly!