That Tricky Little Slide Bolt

This is, obviously, a door.  A door between the laundry room and the bathroom, to be exact.  But it's not just a door.  It's a cause for celebration.

You see, for the entire 6 years, 7 months and some-odd days that I've lived in this house there hasn't been a decent door here.

There was a Dutch door before.

Yes.  A Dutch door.  In a bathroom.  What the what??*

The Dutch door closed with a tricky little slide bolt on the bathroom side and didn't have a doorknob, so although you could open the door from the laundry room side by pushing on it, you couldn't close it from that side and expect it to stay closed.  Actually, you couldn't really ever expect the bathroom door to stay closed no matter which side of the door you were on.  That tricky little slide bolt meant that it was possible to have unexpected company in the bathroom, especially since the bathroom door's right by the back door, which is the main door to my house.  Surprise!

This became a little aggravating over the years.  (That might be an understatement.)

Once I got over the idea that I had to have a really cool vintage door there--I mean, once I discovered that a really cool vintage door that's only 24 inches wide doesn't exist in my part of the country--I bought a new door and my son helped me hang it.  Dylan also put in a nice doorknob with one of those little push-button locks.  It works perfectly.  The whole task took like half an hour.  

I put off a half-hour chore for six and a half years.  That's probably an all-time record for procrastination.

*I actually do know the reason for the Dutch door in the bathroom, and the one in the kitchen as well.  A couple who lived in my house in the early 1970s ran a cab company and what's now my laundry room was the office for Eddie's Cab.  They didn't want people who came into the office to be able to wander through the house, but they wanted to be able to see and hear their customers, so they put Dutch doors in the two doors leading from the office into the rest of the house.  (I'm guessing they didn't use that bathroom during, uh, business hours.)