It's Going Slowly

I did nothing on the house on my four days off.  Nothing.  But yesterday and today, in between the cold drizzle, I did get a few more shingles torn off the back of the house.  If it looks like it's going slowly, it's because, well, it is going slowly.  I'm filling in the nail holes and the cracks as I go along, since I'm fairly certain that I won't get the entire back wall done before winter.  That wall looks a whole lot bigger now that the shed's gone.  A whole lot bigger.   Whoever put the shingles on also put a fairly large piece of trim snug up against the eaves of the house over the top row of shingles, I guess to make it look (cough, cough) nicer.  I'll have to pry that trim piece off before I can get those shingles off the house.   So I'm waiting on WTB to loan me his WonderBar again. And speaking of trim pieces....I'm not real sure what purpose that piece of wood to the left of the door serves.  You might not be able to see it in the photo, but the clapboards are sawed out around the piece of wood.  Why?  WTB has a one-word theory:  "Stupidity."  No matter, he has a relatively easy fix for it.  I'll just buy some trim wide enough to cover up the stupidity, he'll cut it to length, and I'll put it up around the door frame.  Because of the shingles, the door frame's not flush with the wall anyway, so I think putting up that trim will actually make it look better.  I also need to remove that non-working doorbell from the right side of the doorway.  (There used to be two doorbells there, neither of which worked, but I already took off the other one.)  And while I'm out there removing useless things, I ought to get rid of that railing, too.   Maybe when it's warmer...

And by the way, the glowing eyes in the photo belong to Louis, the littlest of my three cats.