What's That You Say?

The reason why there haven't been any posts about the progress on the interior projects is because...there hasn't been any progress.

And there hasn't been any progress because I have been diagnosed with something called Peripheral Vertigo.

Huh?  What?

I went to the doctor because, three weeks after recovering from a cold, I'm still dizzy quite often.  Sometimes it's mild; sometimes the room spins around me like a Tilt-A-Whirl and I have to hang on to something—a table, a nearby superhero, a chair—to keep from falling over.  The doc says it's usually caused from an inner ear injury or an untreated ear infection.  And sorry, but medicines don't seem to help much.  And, oh yeah, it's permanent.  What?!  I have to be this way forever?!  Unsatisfied with that prognosis, I googled it...and didn't find much.  Anyone know anything about this stuff?

So anyway, the past couple of days have been Tilt-A-Whirl days.  Not conducive to standing on a ladder to hang kitchen wallpaper, which by the way is what I've decided to do first.  After reading everyone's comments, it seems to make the most sense to start with the smallest unfinished project.  And I will...when I can stand on the ladder without feeling like I'm in the eye of a hurricane.