The Harkelroads House

In the early 1980s, the National Register of Historic Places folks came to Lexington, Missouri and did an inventory of all our historic structures.  As a result of that inventory, some of those structures were individually named to the National Register and four areas of Lexington were named National Register Historic Districts:  the Commercial Community Historic District, the Highland Avenue Historic District, the Wentworth Military Academy campus, and the Old Neighborhoods Historic District.  Every week I plan to share at least one house from the National Register inventory with you. 

The Harkelroads House

"Circa 1840.  Two story brick painted white Greek Revival; L plan with one story side porch on the east, bay window on the west.  Ionic porch across front added circa 1900.  Double end chimneys.  Victorian cast-iron fence; significant brick outbuilding to the rear."--National Register of Historic Places inventory listing

I don't know much about this house, but I think it's beautiful.  It's located in the Old Neighborhoods District about a block and a half to the west of mine.  The pretty yard and the landscaping really set off the crisp white paint and green shutters of the house, and I love the bunting they put up.  Originally this house was probably unpainted brick and would have had a smaller porch that covered just the front door, in keeping with the Greek Revival style; however, I don't think the paint or the porch detracts from this house at all.  Can't you just see yourself enjoying a cold glass of lemonade while sitting in one of the wicker chairs on the front porch?