
Remember that movie about Selena a few years back that starred Jennifer Lopez?  Of course you do.  Go ahead, admit it.  I won't tell anybody.  I watched it too.  Like ten times.  Poor Selena.  Anyhow, in one of the scenes, Selena's crooning about dreaming of someone and staring off into the distance all doe-eyed.  That's pretty much how I've been this week.

Picture rail...refinished floors...wallpaper...picture rail...refinished floors...wallpaper...

Yep, dreaming.

I haven't heard back from the lumberyard yet about a price per foot for picture rail, so tomorrow I'll call them and check.  I'm hoping it's not too pricey, because I need a lot of it.  The front parlor's 15' by 15' with one window and two doors.  (There won't be picture rail in the alcove.)  I also need to ask WTB if he has sawhorses I can borrow, because I need to paint the picture rail before we hang it.

Tuesday afternoon Charlie and I talked about the floors again and decided we'll start in the dining room first.  (Charlie is The Dude Formerly Known As Chas, who told me a couple of days ago that he actually doesn't mind my using his real name, so henceforth Charlie or Charles he shall be.)  That means that on my days off, I'll be packing away everything in my great-grandmother's china cabinet so that we can move the china cabinet.  And the buffet.  And the dining room table, four chairs, two buffet lamps, two side chairs, and a small table.  And we'll have to roll up the 8'x10' rug in there too.  Hopefully all that will fit into the two parlors. 

And finally, there's the wallpaper.  I started in on it again on Monday and hung one strip above a window in the alcove before realizing, hey..this is Monday...I work on Mondays now.  Duh.  Two more pieces of wallpaper (one below a window and the other next to it) and the alcove will be done.  Based on how long it took me to hang those two strips on the opposite side of the alcove, that'll take about three hours.  From then on, it should go quickly.  I'm hoping that I can get most of the wallpaper hung during my days off later this week.

Further tales to follow, and with photos if anything interesting occurs.