No Faith In Humanity

My faith in humanity is lagging.  Let me rephrase that.  My faith in the intelligence of humanity is lagging.

Somehow in the chaos of the house I lost my Application for Certificate of Appropriateness (that's a fancy name for the application I filed to have the Historic Preservation Commission approve my paint colors) and with it, the date of HPC's next meeting.  I thought I'd call City Hall and find out when it is.  After all, HPC is a city agency so someone there should know, right?  Wrong.

Me:  When does Historic Preservation meet again?
Her:  I have no idea.
Me:  Oh.  [pause] Could you find out?
Her:  I lost Calendar Creator off my computer so I don't have any idea.
Me:  Don't you have a city calendar with all the meetings listed?
Her:  Yeah, that's what I lost off my computer.
Me:  There's not another one anywhere?
Her:  No.
Me:  Ya know, they make these things now out of paper, they hang on the wall, you can write on them.  It's called a calendar.  Y'all should maybe buy one.

Then I tried to log on to my laptop to check the email I'd gotten from the Building Inspector.  I thought maybe she'd put the date of the next meeting in her email.  My laptop wouldn't connect to the internet.  I suddenly had a sneaking suspicion this might have something to do with the phone call I made to the cable company earlier in the week, so I called them again.

Me:  I called y'all earlier this week and asked if you could disconnect my cable but keep my internet, and now I don't have internet but I still have cable.
Her:  Well, your tv will still work even without cable.
Me:  Yes, but I wouldn't be getting HBO.
Her:  So you want to cancel HBO?
Me:  I want to cancel cable entirely.
Her:  It looks like service to your residence was disconnected on Tuesday.  Did you move?
Me:  No.  I tried to cancel cable and still have internet.  That's all.
Her:  Ma'am, I'm asking you if you want to cancel HBO.
Me:  [saying the Serenity Prayer silently] Yes.  Please cancel HBO.  And the rest of my cable channels.
Her:  So you want to cancel everything?
Me:  Just cable.  Not internet.  I want internet.  I do not want cable.
Her:  So you want to cancel cable but keep internet?
Me:  Yes.  Exactly.
Her:  We can do that for you.

Now I have neither cable nor internet at my house.