A Sittin' Place

Ever since I got my new patio, I've wanted to get some patio furniture so I'd have a nice place to sit.  As with any decision where I have to spend more than about 75 bucks, I agonized over it and comparison shopped and found one thing and another that wasn't quite right.  A couple of months ago I found the perfect patio set, but it was waayy out of my budget.  So I waited, and made do with the blue plastic chairs on the little part of the patio.

And then that patio set went on sale for 50% off.  So I bought it!

It looks kinda nice from this angle.

Not so much from this one, with that icky wall in the background.

I really, really need to get crackalackin on the house....
but at least I have a nice sittin' place.