Miss Daisy

The last time I put any paint on the house was--ahem--a month ago.  June 24th, I think.  Since then there's been some some overtime, some bad weather (heat advisories) and a serious lack of motivation around here.  I can't explain it--usually in the summer I go 90 miles an hour with my hair on fire, but this summer it's been more like drivin' Miss Daisy.

Friday I decided I'd better get my hiney in gear, so I went outside and took a "before" photo of the house.

Then it started raining.  After that, the humidity was 87 percent.  (Not an exaggeration.)  When the humidity and the temperature are the same, I go indoors.

Saturday was unseasonably cool and the humidity was low.  (At least for Missouri in July.)  So, I really did get my hiney in gear.
I scraped a lot of paint off the house, caulked all the nailholes, staple holes, and cracks, glued together a broken clapboard, and primed everything.  I also painted the corner trim there by the porch, painted the downspout, and put it back up.  Because when you're in the middle of a drought, it's really important to have a downspout.

Mid-afternoon, my cousin David came by.  We agreed that the house looks pretty bad right now with the peeling paint, the haphazard primer, yellow paint here, gray paint there, but as David pointed out, "This ain't the worst it's ever looked."  He's one of my favorite people because he's always supportive and encouraging. We walked around the house together.

David:  You're just about to get 'er done, honey!
Me:  Really?!  You think so?!
David:  No, not really.

Well, at least he always makes me laugh.