All Play and No Work

I'm at the tail-end of four days off and what have I accomplished?  Nothing!  Well, at least nothing house-related.

Saturday afternoon I retrieved Libbi after she squeezed through the partly-open back gate and ran full-tilt for the neighbors' yard behind us.  The neighbors were hosting a wedding party and the bride was posing for pictures.  She had on a beautiful white dress.  Libbi had muddy paws.  Libbi is a jumper.  Disaster was narrowly averted when a little kid ran between the bride and the dog and Libbi followed him.  Whew!   That debacle was followed by supper with Shirley at the pub and then drinks with a few friends.

Sunday my bestie Sharon came over and gave me her old phone since she upgraded to a new one.  The phone she gave me is a Google Android.  Very nice.  After that I went to lunch with my friend John-Charles and then went shopping.  I bought some girl clothes.  And a new pair of uniform pants, which aren't nearly as fun as the girl clothes.

Monday I slept very late (til, um, mid-afternoon) and then spent a few hours sitting on the front porch shopping for apps with my new phone.  My favorite one so far is Lightning Bug, a free app that is a sleep machine and alarm clock.  Love it.  Then the fur-babies and I had a movie marathon:  Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil (one of my all-time favorites), Fried Green Tomatoes and How To Make An American Quilt.

And today I went to Book Club at the local indie bookstore and after that, antiquing with my mom.  I found a Hoosier-like cabinet that I couldn't decide whether or not to buy.  Y'all tell me if this is a good deal or a no, okay?  It's smaller than a typical Hoosier (about 3 ft. wide and 5 ft. high), the roll-down top sticks, and it needs repainting because someone painted it white and put wallpaper decals on the top doors.  The flour bin & sifter are still there and the sifter works.  All the drawer pulls and hinges are intact.  I couldn't get the counter to slide forward, but I can probably fix that.  There's no damage to the metal countertop.  They're asking $250, but it doesn't say "firm" on the tag so there might be a little wiggle room. What say you?

Four days of all play and no work...Ah well, the back of the house has been done a week, except for re-hanging and painting that storm window.  Although I could say I'm not putting up the storm window again and then it's really and truly done...