Fence Project, Days 1 & 2

It has to look worse before it looks better, right?

Because this looks pretty darn bad...
Photo taken from Gwen & Floyd's yard looking north/northwest.

Eight hours of work (over two days) during a heat advisory, 100 feet of extension cord unrolled for the hedge trimmers, three 32-oz. bottles of Gatorade downed, 14 trash bags hauled to the dump and one nasty bruise on my left leg (hint:  don't try to hop over a rusty fence)...and I have only about 20 feet of fence row sheared down to brown stuff.  I still have to get rid of all that stuff growing in the fence and then tear down the fence itself.

And then I have to do all that again here:
Photo taken from the alley looking south/southeast.

And then again to a third section of fence about the same size as this one (about 16 ft. long), which I would've taken a photo of but I was teary-eyed with exhaustion and I just couldn't bear to look at it.  The heat really slowed me down the past couple of days.  I'm hoping for better weather and better progress next time.