I Am Jealous

Tonight, just after I got to work, my phone lit up with a call from White Trash Bob.  Y'all may have noticed his absence from this blog--he's been absent from the recent work on the Kelly House, too.  I try not to borrow him from Mrs. WTB any more than I need to, and the wallpaper removal, at least, I can do by myself.

It's been Snowmageddon II in these parts the past couple of days, so I assumed he was calling to make sure I got to work okay.

Me:  Yes, I made it here without incident.
WTB:  Oh, is the weather bad?
Me:  You're so funny.  Look outside.
WTB:  I am looking outside.  It's sunny and 71 here.  I'm in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Me:  Sometimes I almost dislike you.  I am jealous.  Horribly jealous.

I am jealous because this was the view from my front parlor windows about 4 p.m. Wednesday afternoon.  I do not like winter.  I do not like snow.  Therefore, I am jealous of WTB's basking in the New Mexico sun.

But then WTB asked me what I've been working on these past few weeks and I told him all about taking the old paper off the foyer walls, and then putting the new paper up in the foyer, and my angst over the front parlor paper, and how I am, I estimate, maybe 40% done with taking the paper off the front parlor walls.

 "And then what?" he asked.
"And then I ask you kindly if you would please come over and help me put up picture rail, and then I put up the new wallpaper.  Two kinds," I said.
"Oho!" WTB said, "Wrong order, my dear.  Put up the two kinds of wallpaper first, and then I'll come over and help you put up picture rail."

This is very good news.  Very good news indeed.  Firstly, it means that I can continue this paper off/paper on roll that I've been on and move straight from tearing off yucky wallpaper to putting up nice new paper.  Secondly, it means that I will have much-needed help with the picture rail.  I am motivated to work extra-hard on the wallpaper removal on my next days off.  But I am still jealous of WTB being in New Mexico.