The Devil's In The Details

The storage cabinets in the laundry room were really getting on my nerves.

I have to have them because they hide a lot of my junk like a shop vac, brooms, cans of paint, various cleaning supplies, gardening tools (like I have a garden!--someday), and a big orange EMS box that my tools are in.  They're not very well made, just sheets of paneling nailed onto what's essentially a big ol' plywood shelf.  I thought about tearing them out and replacing them, but that would turn this medium-sized project into a larger one, and I don't have the time for that. This is already February, so Outside Painting Season is just around the corner.

And then there's those hinges.  I thought I hated them, so I considered taking them all off and replacing them.  Then I realized that would entail prying off itty-bitty pieces of molding, because the hinges are under the molding, and then replacing 11 hinges and 4 handles.  Not fun.

So, I did what I do best:  I made do with what I have, and I painted.

Two coats of paint didn't really improve the looks of the cabinets much, so I put two more coats on. That helped.  Then I took a look at the hinges and decided that Kathy was right when she said in a comment on an earlier post that they're kinda vintage-y looking.  I figured out that what really bugs me about the hinges is that some of them are copper-finish and some of them are black.  So I bought a little can of Rustoleum and went to work with a tiny paintbrush. Better already.

Now what's really getting on my nerves is that I robbed the trim from the laundry room to use in the bathroom, thinking that it would be a long, long time before I re-did the laundry room, and now I have to replace it...