WTB's Up For Sainthood

A while back, we unofficially formed the White Trash Bob Fan Club.  There was even some talk of nominating him for sainthood.  As I understand it, to be declared a saint a person has to be responsible for a certain number of miracles.  So, I submit the following in support of WTB's being declared a saint:

I went and whined to him about my dryer catching fire and how I was afraid I was going to have to buy a new one, and WTB being WTB, he immediately said, "Why don't I take a look at it first?"  So he came over and took the back of the dryer off, which I was certain was going to reveal a blackened, charry mess completely beyond repair.  But instead, it looked like this, which seemed promising:
Those wires sticking out were connected to a little part which didn't survive the fire.  What's left of it is at the top of the next photo; the part at the bottom is what it's supposed to look like.
I'm thinking about selling that burned-up piece on eBay and claiming that it's a part off of a Russian satellite or something.  I figure I can make tens of dollars from it!  Or maybe not.

Anyhow, we replaced the burned-up piece with a shiny new piece that cost only $31, which made me happy.  No dipping into the Porch Fund needed.  (And by "we replaced" I mean of course that Bob replaced it while I very helpfully held a work light.)

Then we turned the dryer on and waited to see if it caught fire again.  Happily, it did not.

Yep, I think this qualifies WTB for consideration as a living saint.