Leaving Well Enough Alone

Could we all pause in whatever we're doing and observe a small moment of silence for my original floors, a little tiny piece of which I uncovered today?  See 'em, running perpendicular to the new floor, right next to the gaping hole?  Sigh....They don't look to be that bad, at least not in the 6 or so square inches of flooring I can see.  Still, I suppose (grudgingly, and with regret) that I ought not to tear up the oak flooring we just spent hours and hours sanding in order to uncover another floor that we'll have to spend hours and hours sanding.  Especially not when I don't know what the rest of the original floor looks like.  This might be the only decent spot in the whole thing.  The rest of it could be water-damaged or terribly scarred or missing altogether and replaced with plywood or something.  I mean, this house was apartments for years and years, so the chances that the floors look decent all over are really slim.  Right?  Right.  Yes.  It's better to leave well enough alone.

Except...I had exactly these same fears when I tore off the ugly shingles from the outside of the house.  And that turned out well.  Really well.  Exceedingly well.  In fact, on the whole of the house WTB replaced three clapboards, and then only because a stovepipe hole had been cut in them. 

Something tells me I really wouldn't get that lucky twice.  Right?  Yes.  Right.  Not to mention that tearing up the oak floors now would mean a waste of all the time and money I've spent so far.  Right?  Yes.  Right.  It's better to leave well enough alone.  Isn't it?