Less Grasshopper, More Ant

It's becoming quite clear to me that the universe is trying to tell me something.

And that something is:  stop putting things off, girl.

The original plan for Wednesday was to come home, stay up, and pretty much kick butt on the house:  get the second coat of paint on the parlor window, put the sash locks back on, clean house, do laundry, move some furniture and--most importantly--pack up the 5 billion fragile little things in my great-grandma's china cabinet so that Charlie and I can move furniture on Friday and start in on the floors. 

Instead, I slept until 1:30 in the afternoon.  (Totally Charlie's fault for not calling me on his lunch break like he usually does, right?) Then I straightened up the house a bit, colored my hair, and went to supper and movie night with my bestie Amy.  "Meh," I thought, "I can do all that stuff on Thursday, no problem."  Which would've been true, except...halfway through the first movie I got a page from work that I was being called in on mandatory overtime for day shift on Thursday.  Day shift.  Ugh.  But as my friend Colleen tweeted, "Just think though, it's extra $$."  True.  OT pay which will go towards stain and poly and picture rail and other stuff.  It's a good thing.

Thursday night I am cleaning my house.  Then I'm pulling all the small furniture into the other parlor.  Then I'm packing up the china cabinet.  I am.  Really.  No more putting things off.  I need to be less like the fabled grasshopper and more like the ant.