Now I Get It

Remember when I found this, the chopped-out stuff to the left of the back door?

And remember when I found this mess, which caused me to quit working on the back of the house?

And remember how I was all frustrated and mad and couldn't figure out why someone would do something like that? 

Well, last week when Mare was here he walked onto the back porch (which is what we still call it, though it hasn't really been a porch for 60 years) and said, "I see you got a lot more shingles off the house than the last time I was here.  Looks like your back door used to be a window, and the back door used to be further over to the left.  It wouldn't be a whole lot of trouble to take that door out and put it in the old door opening, and then buy a window from salvage to put over there where the window used to be.  Then your back door would be lined up with the sidewalk again."

Oh.  The door used to be a window.  Now I get it.