I'm Gonna Need a New Ladder

I'm gonna need a new ladder.  See how that cross-bar is bent way out of whack?  Yeah, it did that when I was standing on the third rung from the top of the ladder.  So then the ladder fell over.

And gouged the newly-painted door and trim.

But somehow missed hitting my great-grandmother's china cabinet which is just to the right of that photo above.  

Oh, and when the ladder fell over I fell down.  Down about five feet onto the hardwood floor.  Mostly on my hiney.  I have a giant bruise on my hiney, which I will not show y'all no matter how much you beg.  Just take my word for it.

I also landed on my left wrist.  Which caused my hand to bend backwards weirdly.  Now I have to wear this.

I think it's kinda cool and cyborg-y.  But I will be very tired of it after a week, which is the minimum amount of time I have to wear it.